The Chronic Stress Response for First Responders

We are brilliantly designed to handle short term stress

A threat is perceived, the body chemically communicates to adapt to it, once the threat is over we return to baseline

But what happens when one perceived threats end is met by a new one?

What happens when we don’t get that break to return to baseline?

What happens when we have so much persistent stress that we forget what a healthy baseline even feels like?

When we lose touch with a healthy baseline we eventually get in touch with the symptoms that go along with that

📌Chronic Fatigue
📌Irritability or moodiness
📌Lack of Motivation
📌Inability to fight off infection or chronic colds
📌Sleep disorders beyond being on shift
📌Weight Gain
📌Digestive disorders
📌Difficulty concentrating
📌Diminishing threshold for seemingly small stressors
📌Job resentment
📌Relationship struggles
📌Health issues

The list goes on and it doesn’t get any better…

Working as a first responder can be challenging enough on its own and for many we leave shift and still have to juggle that in the mix of Family and Life in general

It can be A Lot!

And while it’s well and good to make lifestyle modifications where we can


Plain and simple there is a lot we just have to handle right?

We can’t change it ‼️

It’s part of the job and lifestyle that comes with it

The more we understand how our body works in all of this the more we are empowered to actively support it

In return we strengthen our ability to handle that which we cannot control

The more in touch we can become with a healthy baseline again and lose touch with all of those undesirable symptoms listed above

This week we are diving into the physiology behind our Chronic stress Response

What’s happening ❓
What systems are challenged ❓
How we can support them ⁉️

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